Things Untold, Things Unseen: A Look at Moravians, Slavery, and its Legacies
The Moravian Church has missions at its core. When we Moravians tell our history, we focus on the courage, faithfulness, and dedication of 18th and 19th-century missionaries. This lecture will review our telling of our story, including elements we have omitted or “forgotten” over the years.
This lecture will be presented by Rev. Dr. Frank Crouch, who has served at Moravian Theological Seminary since 1996, joining the faculty after receiving a Ph.D. in New Testament studies from Duke University. He also served as VP and Dean of the Seminary from 2001-2020. Frank grew up in First Moravian Church in Greensboro, was ordained in 1980, and served at Providence and Fairview Moravian Churches in the 1980s. He is currently on a research sabbatical on Moravians, race, and racism until his retirement on June 30, 2021.