A Luthier Shares His Unique Passion

Salemtowne resident David Chandler loved playing violin as a child. During high school, however, he put away his treasured violin and didn’t pick up another one for nearly 40 years. “After I decided to try violin again, I quickly discovered that my fingers didn’t work the way they used to,” David said. “But I was … Continued

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The Magnificent Monarchs of Salemtowne

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” —Maya Angelou There’s no doubt that Salemtowne has a beautiful campus with abundant natural resources including walking trails, a lake, bountiful trees, and seasonal flowers that are enjoyed by residents, team members, and visitors alike.  … Continued

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It’s a Beautiful Morning

 By Michael Boing    The day had dawned bright, beautiful, and cool, a blessing for a morning in midsummer. Toby the dog and I set out with our spirits high and our energy levels up with every intention of having an enjoyable walk in Babcock woods. The previous week or so had been exceptionally warm, … Continued

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Salemtowne Announces New President and CEO

Salemtowne is pleased to announce that its Board of Trustees has appointed Paul Harrison as the organization’s new president and chief executive officer effective August 19, 2024. “Following an extensive national search, our board found the ideal candidate to take the helm at Salemtowne. With his broad administrative experience, impressive financial acumen and collaborative approach, … Continued

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Solar Panels Come to Salemtowne, Thanks to a Resident-led Project

Several years ago, late resident Bob Giegengack wrote an article for “Reflections” entitled, “Can Salemtowne Go Solar?” In that article, Bob eloquently and forcefully outlined the merits of solar energy for Salemtowne — both economically and ethically. Spurred by Bob’s passion, the Environmental Sustainability Committee, led by Tom Mann, added Solar Energy to its list … Continued

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Treasures on Display

The Great Oak Bookcase, also called The Display Case, and now known as The Showcase Gallery, was fortunate to have three craftsmen in woodworking join a recent display. Jim Yarbrough has the longest history as a craftsman. He began as a teenager, moving from a Car Guy to wood.  He was a planning director for … Continued

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Giving Life for 58 Years!

March 2023- Ken Robertson and his wife Peggie have enjoyed an interesting and rewarding life during his long career with the Red Cross. When he first donated blood as a freshman at Mars Hill, he never imagined how important this organization would become to him. On Career Day when a woman asked him what he … Continued

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A Golden Celebration

We spent 2022 looking back at 50 years of growth and history as we celebrated our golden anniversary. During the last five decades Salemtowne has embraced strong Moravian roots and will continue to nurture those values as we grow into the future. We have been truly blessed by residents who care about this community and … Continued

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Celebrating Black History Month

February 2023- Salemtowne has various opportunities to celebrate Black History month, highlighted below. Local author Phoebe Zerwick opened Black History Month at Salemtowne with a discussion of “Beyond Innocence: The Life Sentence of Darryl Hunt.” A graduate of the Journalism School at Columbia University, Phoebe is Associate Professor of the Practice and Director of the … Continued

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From Friends to Family: Spreading Holiday Cheer!

In 2021, when fall was turning to winter and the holiday season, the Woodlands residents remembered the year before when they were all isolated in their apartments. But this year, they were eager to talk about their plans for the holidays. It soon became evident that there were those who weren’t going out of town … Continued

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